Michigan MCLA Officers

Michigan Marine Corps League Auxiliary Officers 2019-2020

Department President PNP Gerri Tuohy 12086 Riverbend Dr., Grand Blanc 48439 (810) 695-3241 mipresmcla@gmail.com
Sr. Vice President Marcy Oakley
Jr. Vice President Sandy VanTol 3433 Fairway Drive, Bay City 48706 (989) 225-4583 slvantol23@aol.com
Jr. Past President Ann Leclair 5283 W. Wilson Rd., Clio 48420 (810) 869-2399 anlleclair@gmail.com
Judge Advocate Kimberly Sawatzki
Chaplain Cathy Rayl 4767 Hidden Hills Cr., Howell 48855 (517) 262-6542 catray5@aol.com
Ways and Means Chair Joanne Bressette
Publicity Chair Elizabeth Lapouttre
Historian Judy Flynn
Secretary Ranea Lawjewski 10320 Ataberry DR., CLIO 48420 (810) 877-1495 rwingsgirl911@aol.com
Treasurer Sandy VanTol 3433 Fairway Drive, Bay City 48706 (989) 225-4583 slvantol23@aol.com
Fundraiser PDP Peggy Tuohy 3171 Ivy Lane, Grand Blanc 48439 (810) 694-2923 pegtuohy@comcast.net
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